Request An Appointment

We understand that your decision to select us as your provider of choice is just that: it's your choice. We thank you for choosing PRC Alliance Pain Relief Centers.

To schedule an appointment, please fill out the form below or call 833.730.PAIN (7246) Monday through Friday, 8am to 5pm.

Please note that we are a referral-based practice, and are able to schedule appointments only after a referral from your primary care physician or specialist is received.

We look forward to serving you soon!

    Do you have a referral from a physician for pain management?*


    Which location would you like to visit?

    Area of Pain

    Would you like to provide any additional information?

    Would you like to schedule an appointment over the phone? Please feel free to call us at 833.730.PAIN (7246).

    Sending medical records, a referral or discharge papers from your previous pain management provider? Please fax directly to 386.256.2602.